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Black Owned Farms In Ohio

Akron Honey | Akron, Ohio | Raises bees and sells honey | Website + Instagram + Facebook + Twitter + Linkedin + Youtube | Email: | Tel: 330-552-8858

Bee All You Can Bee | Cleveland, OH | Harvests and sells honey | Tel. 216-926-4156

Davies Family Farm | Georgetown, OH | Raises grass-fed cattle and free range chickens to sell beef and eggs; grows and sells vegetables | Website + Facebook + Instagram | Email: | Tel. 513-394-6827 

E-I-E-AYO Urban Farm | Columbus, OH Grows and sells fresh microgreens, microgreen-tea blends and microgreen-seasoning blends | Instagram 

Fangboner Farms | Holland, OH | Harvests and sells herbs using all natural methods; Crafts and sells spices and body care products from herbs; Grows grapes to make wine; Cuts and gathers seasoned cherry, maple, and hardwood | Website + Facebook + Instagram + Twitter + Pinterest | Email: | Tel. 567-703-6191

Fresh Roots Urban Farm | Columbus, OH |  | Facebook + Instagram + TikTok + Youtube | Email: | Tel. 614-702-1262 

Hood Honey LLC | Cleveland, OH | Raises bees and sells honey | Instagram + Youtube

Johnson Produce Market | Toledo, OH | Website + Facebook | Harvests and sells seasonal vegetables and fruits, and heritage crops; operates a fruit and vegetable store | Tel. 419-322-6550

Hive Works Honey | Cleveland, OH | Harvests and sells honey with an emphasis on empowering people with ability challenges; offers educational workshops | Website + Facebook + Instagram | Email: | Tel. 440-653-6393

Ironhouse Homestead | Blanchester, OH | Raises alpacas and angora goats and sells their luxurious fiber and products made from them; harvests and sells honey; raises chickens, guineas and ducks | Website + Facebook + Instagram | Email: 

My Grow Connect Herbs | Cleveland, OH | Grows and sells a range of herbs, leafy greens and teas | Website + Facebook + Instagram + TikTok | Email:

Rid-All Green Initiatives  | Cleveland, OH | Urban farm and fishery offering class and produce | Website + Instagram | Email: | Tel. 216-307-4069 

Sonia Organics | Toledo, OH | Harvests herbs for select line of medicinal tea | Website + Facebook | Email:

Tarheelbilly Farm | Willow Wood, OH | Website + Facebook + Instagram + Etsy Shop | Raises Old Style American Tunis Sheep, a breed on the Livestock Conservancy List to sell wool products and yarn; Raises and sells grass-fed lamb and heritage beef breed cattle; Harvests honey as a beekeeper; Taps trees for maple syrup | Email:

Tiger Mushroom Farms  | Columbus, OH | Grows and harvests fresh shiitake & oyster mushrooms | Website + Instagram + Facebook + Twitter | Email: | Tel. 614-861-5232

Two Acre Farm | Bloomingburg, OH | Raises and sells chickens and fresh eggs | Facebook

Veggie Garden Club of the Veggie Soul Farmer's Market | Dayton, OH | Offers land for community farming; curates a farmer’s market | Website + Facebook | Email: | Tel. 937-416-1388

Vineyards of Château Hough & Winery at Château Hough LLC | Cleveland, OH | Harvests two varieties of cold-hardy grapes—red frontenac and white traminette—in order to produce and sell seven full-body wines |  Website + Facebook | Email:  | Tel.  216.438.0964

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