40 Acre Coop | Sandstone, MN | Growing and selling hemp and CBD products using a coop methodology | Website + Facebook + Instagram + Twitter | Email: contact@fortyacre.coop | Tel. 320-372-1752
Arcadial Farm | Ruby, MI | Harvests and sells elephant garlic and fresh eggs | Website + Facebook + Instagram | Email: info@arcadialfarm.com
Big River Farms | Marine on St. Croix, MN (45-minute drive northeast of Minneapolis) | Hub for farmers with a focus on immigrants and people of color | Website
Black Pearl Farms | East Bethel, MN. | Produces and sells organic vegetables Website + Facebook + Instagram | Email: denise@blackpearlfarms.net | Tel. 952 221 9987
Dawn2Dusk Farm | Cambridge, MN | Grows and sells a variety of leafy greens, root vegetables and other produce | Website + Facebook | Email: moses.b.o.m@gmail.com | Tel. 763-691-4409
Freedom Farms | Maple Grove, MN | Grows and sells microgreens | Website + Facebook + Instagram | Email: grow.freedomfarm@gmail.com | Tel. 612-839-9343
Frogtown Farm | Saint Paul, MN | Certified-organic urban demonstration farm that practices a permaculture approach and partners with local farmers to carry out a monthly pop-up produce distribution | Website + Instagram
Grand Risings Farm | Minnesota | Grows and sells CSA vegetables cucumbers, cabbage, broccoli, tomatoes, onions, potatoes, raspberries What they grow, harvest or raise and sell; or service offered | Website + Instagram + Facebook + Twitter + Linkedin + Youtube | Email: grandrisingsfarm@gmail.com | Tel. 612-567-8716
Holistic Health Farms | St. Paul, MN | Grows and sells microgreens, ginger, herbs and tumeric; Makes vinegar from crops and sells | Website + Facebook | Tel. 651-271-3795
Naima’s Farm | Marine on St. Croix, MN (45-minute drive northeast of Minneapolis) | Produces organic vegetables | Website
RRootsGarden | North Minneapolis' Folwell, MN | Grow collard greens, kale, zucchini, tomatoes and cucumbers | Instagram | Emails: MicTheTiller@RRootsGarden.org
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